Emergence Health Network

Mental Health & IDD Authority

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is responsible for designating a Local Mental Health Authority (LMHA) in one or more service areas in Texas. In our region, HHSC has selected Emergence Health Network (EHN) as the Local Mental Health Authority and Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority (LIDDA) which means HHSC has given EHN the state’s authority and responsibility for:

– Planning, policy development
– Coordination (including coordination with criminal justice entities)
– Resource allocation
– Resource development

and oversight of mental health and IDD services in the most appropriate and available setting to meet individuals needs in our service area.

Mission & Vision


Emergence Health Network (EHN) ensures superior recovery-based services for mental health, intellectual/developmental disability, and related conditions for the people of El Paso County.


Emergence Health Network will lead behavioral and developmental services in the El Paso region ensuring access to quality services, advocating for a better quality of life, and providing strength, hope, and recovery for persons with mental illness, and intellectual/developmental disabilities, and substance abuse disorders.

Sponsoring Agencies

Message from

County of El Paso

Over the last few years, the El Paso community has endured so much, including surviving a terrorist shooting, being the national facing of mass migration, and living through a once-in-a-generation pandemic. In the face of these traumas, Emergence Health Network has worked tirelessly to help our residents persevere and heal.

As our region’s mental health needs continue to grow, the County is proud of its continued collaboration with EHN to fortify our community’s resilience. The County thanks the leadership and staff at EHN for their dedication to serving El Pasoans with professionalism, compassion and care.


Message from

El Paso County Hospital District

Emergence Health Network continues to serve as a community leader in supporting individuals with mental health, intellectual/developmental disabilities, and substance abuse diagnoses.  Over the last several years, they have met the demands for services with innovative growth, created stories of success that help reduce the stigma their clients face, and expanded their collaborative efforts.  When our community was most in need, EHN rose to the occasion.  After the tragedy El Paso faced on August 3rd, 2019, and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, EHN has been resilient in quickly mobilizing while being flexible in providing necessary care for their clients and the community.  
Not only are they addressing the current needs of our community, but their team continues thinking strategically about the future of our region.  They have taken best practices from other communities and have become a model that others can look to for guidance.  The El Paso County Hospital District is proud to serve as a partner to EHN and is grateful to their leadership and the many committed, passionate advocates who daily change lives.