2020 Annual


2020 was a year of unparalleled challenges. Leaders across globe and across our region struggled to learn about the COVID-19 pandemic and protect our population.  Every aspect of our lives changed overnight, and these major disruptions are even more stressful to individuals living with mental illness or developmental disabilities.   As the Local Mental Health Authority in the El Paso region, Emergence Health Network’s leadership team and behavioral health professionals knew our services and supports would become even more vital as more of residents of El Paso county struggled to maintain their mental health and wellbeing.

Through changing business conditions, many of EHN’s accomplishments in 2020 were a response to COVID-19. Our dedicated staff enhanced services, continued operations with minimal disruptions with a renewed focus on keeping clients and employees as safe as possible. Our growth in the past year also involved performance goals such as obtaining recognition as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Care Center and maintaining financial stability. These milestones serve as a testament to our stakeholders and community that moving into the year ahead, Emergence Health Network continues to serve our community.  We remain steadfast in our focus on exceptional people providing exceptional care.

Videos and images used in the 2020 annual report were recorded either prior to the COVID-19 pandemic mask and social distancing mandates or done with the safety protocol in place.

2020 Highlights

2020… a year filled with no greater challenge than the COVID 19 pandemic. The global health crisis impacted our El Paso community on many levels. From the very start, Emergence Health Network and its employees worked diligently to keep our services available and our clients and employees safe. It’s an exceptional response recognized by El Paso City leaders.

In 2020, EHN was awarded a grant by FEMA and Texas Health and Human Services to start the Crisis Counseling Program (CCP).

Through the COVID 19 Mental Health Support Hotline calls are directed to EHN CCP counselors designated to help residents in the El Paso, Midland/Odessa and Big Springs, Texas areas deal with the many impacts of the corona virus. 

EHN also created a virtual calming/relaxation room specific to COVID-19.

Tools and strategies are available for managing emotions, learning about self-care, listening to relaxing sounds and music, and engaging in calming activities such as games and puzzles.


To go to the CCP Virtual calming/relaxation room click here.

In 2020 El Paso residents experienced a global pandemic and endured the first-year anniversary of the most tragic event in our city’s history. Once again, the exceptional people at EHN were there to care for our residents.

In 2020 EHN became the contracted Local Intellectual Developmental Disability Authority (LIDDA) for the Money Follows the Person Program Hub Region 1.

EHN’s IDD Transition Support Team was also successful in providing support through case consultation and by building the capacity of IDD professionals through innovative training for IDD staff, partnering LIDDAs and our community partners with the goal of supporting IDD individuals transitioning from an institution into community based services.

In 2020, EHN’s exceptional care for the
El Paso community was recognized by Texas state health officials and designated as Certified Community Behavioral Health Center.  Acknowledgement which benefits the El Paso community.

Through its Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Learning Library Training Programs, EHN instructs the community on mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, stress management, coping with grief and more.

In 2020, although much of the training was done virtually the demand for information was significant and EHN presented to close to 1500 area residents ranging from nurses to parents and law enforcement personnel. 

The outreach also included the first of its kind EHN Mind and Body Virtual Retreat. 


In 2020, Emergence Health Network’s commitment to mental health awareness also involved collaboration with multiple local entities.  As a proud sponsor of UTEP Athletics, EHN worked with its college athletes to deliver important messages on social media focused on the importance of caring for the mental well-being of our community.

In 2020 EHN continued to expand partnerships with organization throughout the community to broaden the scope and reach of care provided to those in El Paso county.

By working with agencies such as the Paso del Norte Health Foundation, El Paso Police Department, Paul L. Foster School of Medicine, United Way, El Paso Independent School District, NAMI El Paso, University Medical Center and many others, the community as a whole benefited from easier access to behavioral health care and education focused on the importance of mental health wellness.